reinje's Diaryland Diary


Die Leppefoaw Diaries

Let's continue our discussion about intolerant attitudes, shall we? Everyone has his or her particular pet peeves, and you have had a chance to glimpse a few of Reinje's. Human beings exhibit many interesting behaviours, many of which (for me) do not fall under the category of Pet Peeves, or Things that Really �akjel Me.

Here is an example: a few weeks ago, I was riding on the subway on my way into work in the morning. I sat next to a girl who pulled out a makeup bag and proceeded to put on her face. Face, eyes, lips�I think there may have even been some plucking involved. The rest of us in the subway car, barely awake, could not restrain ourselves from sitting and simply staring at the young woman who surely was violating a code of some kind. A kind of collective embarrassment surfaced. As I�m sure you all well know, it is 100% verboten to look someone in the eyes in the elevator or on the subway in New York. However, if someone is making a fool of him or herself, the rule no longer applies, especially when they are engaged in behaviour that does not allow them to look back at you.

This public display of application intrigued me. I thought about my tendency to combine tasks in the name of efficiency. I mean, how often have I combed my hair in the car! Or washed my pantyhose while taking a bath! Or vacuumed the house while dusting the furniture! I realized, with no small degree of horror, that there was a very fine line separating me from Leppefoaw Fr�. My, my! That could be me sitting in that subway car, putting on my face.

So I guess that this instance was one of deep and profound recognition of self in the other. Wow! It sure didn�t take me long to have an attitude of largesse here in the big City, now, did it? There is a certain freedom in pointing out the limitations of others; that is until you realize that it�s just your own duplicitous way of avoiding the issues with self. And then the best part is that you get to feel all be�leare , having moved to the big City and all.

If I didn�t believe so firmly in the evils of make-up, I might even have a go of it on the subway tomorrow morning just to prove that I�m not judgmental�

- Reinje

12:34 p.m. - 2006-02-07


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