reinje's Diaryland Diary


Shower, Part II

I finished playing through the whole 264-page score today! Actually, I�ve played through it many times but this was the first time I took painstaking efforts to add in the fingering, choreograph it, really learn it. So I decided to take a shower on my break � before tackling a hundred pages of the other opera.

You would think that a person who likes to clean as much as I do would be fastidious about personal hygiene. Au contraire, my friend. When you stay in your apartment practicing hundreds of pages of opera scores each day, personal grooming suffers.

When I got to the shower I was immediately reminded of the fact that I had not yet caulked it. There were still, in fact, bits of caulk lying about where they had scattered after the exacto knife fiasco. The table knife still lay on the counter where I had left it. I was had a fleeting awareness of ignominy, followed by denial, and then by a plan. I can clean the shower while I take a shower! Sometimes while I�m in the shower I like to, in the Spirit of Efficiency, clean it.

I have this old purple loofah glove that does a wonderful job of tackling the soap residue and build-up. A little Soft Scrub, and voila! The shower is clean. Spritz on a little diluted bleach, and you�re good to go. Once the shower dries, and after my next 100 pages of Lucie de Lammermoor, I�ll go in there with the caulking gun and take care of business. I�m just planning on squirting the new caulk over the old stuff since it was so hard to remove it yesterday. I don�t think anyone will ever know that there�s still a little bit of mold under the new white caulk, and I bet I won�t even think about it being there!

When we first moved into this apartment there was a teensy bit of mud on the floor in the bathroom. The Customer Service Manager happened to be taking stock of the apartment, whether anything was broken, damaged, or faulty. I�m not sure if it was He or I who pointed out the mud on the bathroom floor. I think it was He? But I�m not 100% sure on that. At any rate, the CSM was happy to ask the maintenance crew to clean it. The maintenance crew must have come in to clean the bathroom floor while we were out, because when we got home there was a scrub brush left behind and the floor was clean.

Only now, something was wrong with the parquet floors. The parquet floors next to the bathroom door were all warped and bubbled up. One of the maintenance crew must have dumped the water bucket on the floor! So we had to call back and ask for maintenance to come back and fix the floor. I mean, Jauma Lied, you could practically ski jump over it! I wondered if the CSM thought we wrecked the floors. Well, I know I don�t always have the foresight to read the apartment manual, but I�m not an idiot! I mean, everyone knows you don�t just dump water on wood floors!

I kept the scrub brush for a while, just to be safe. I guess I thought of it as evidence that we hadn�t been accomplices in the whole floor-mutilation scandal? But the maintenance crew came and fixed the floor, and now it�s as good as new. I went back and read the manual, and it says, plain as day:

�Use oil based cleaner such as orange glow with a damp mop or sponge�do not use a wet mop and try to avoid water. Clean up all spills immediately.�

I�d like to think that I am superior to the maintenance crew, because at least I didn�t dump a whole bucket of water on the parquet floors. But I keep thinking about the dull residue on them from the Mr. Clean I used on them yesterday. Maybe I should add oil based cleaner to my shopping list.

- Reinje

2:21 p.m. - 2005-04-27


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