reinje's Diaryland Diary


SheeShee Event

A few weeks before coming to Opera Camp, He and I went to our first big New York function, a benefit for the Lori Line Foundation. OK, well, not really Lori Line, but same initials. The event honoured a woman who is perhaps the most important living singer of our time � if not the most celebrated, then certainly the most loved. This is the second function I have attended where this woman has been venerated within the space of 9 months.

Because I served my purpose as Pageturner to the Stars and all-around scheckbengle (Plattdietsch for �Jack-of-all-Trades�), we did not have to pay the requisite $500 to attend the event. Everyone who is anyone in the song world was there, with the exception of my Maestra. Maestra is such a matriarch and beloved personage in the music world that everyone always scans the room for her and mentions her in toasts when she is not present. And she deserves it, is the thing. She is Divine.

Besides Maestra, who did not attend, there was in actual attendance a 20th century literary GIANT, one of the most important American song composers of our era. He has written several tell-all books, and lots of songs. There is a lot of talk about sex in his books, but not so much in his songs. I enjoy them, but my friend Jocelyn cannot stand the man�s music. What I found totally engaging about this guy, besides the fact that he cuts an incredibly dashing figure for his 80 years, is that when he gave his speech, he spoke with a lateral lisp.

Now, I think it�s important for me to point out a phenomenon that I have been the happy observer of for quite a few years, a phenomenon that I refer to as the �NPR lisp.� I have noticed that a good number of reporters, broadcasters, and literary figures all seem to sport such an impediment. You can quote me on that. Just think of that woman on Ira Glass�s This American Life � Julie Snyder? � or David Sedaris, for example. I haven�t yet compiled a list, but I plan on doing so, soon. I have all kinds of quasi-interesting theories about public radio, but those will have to wait for another time.

Anyway, one of the other highlights of the evening, besides the lisp and turning pages for The Brain, was that a famous New Yorker editor/composer asked me for tips on pronouncing the French mute �e,� first in sung and then in spoken French. Can you imagine??? I was, of course, delighted to oblige him!

The reason I bring all of this up today is that last night was the opening night of Cosi fan Tutte, here at Glitter-and-be-Gay Opera, and after each opening night there is a party. I was not prepared for the Toast of New York to be in full force at this event, but there they were. The first person I spotted was the afore-mentioned editor/composer who is also a critic, an important detail to remember on any opening night. Mr. Critic, who is normally fairly lukewarm, seemed appropriately enough, not displeased to see me in the middle of Opera Camp.

I, on the other hand, having made it through more than a month of Opera Boot Camp, in the middle of nowhere, was totally shocked when civilization found me. I was so surprised that I didn�t even think to ask him what he had thought of the show. Maybe that�s partly because I only made it to the last 45 minutes myself. But I did manage to put on my Glitter-and-be-Gay networking hat long enough to convince him to come back to see Death in Venice, which will be spectacular (for real) and he �should not miss it.� He�s coming back, thank you very much.

Tonight, I am attending the Opening Night of Lucie de Lammermoor, one of the shows that I have been involved in, and our own very exciting Opening Night party. This time, I am going loaded for bear. Business cards! Cocktail dress! Witty parlance!! And all in the name of Glitter-and-be-Gay Opera!

I�ll let you know how it goes.

Glittering and Gay,

- Reinje

7:30 p.m. - 2005-07-01


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