reinje's Diaryland Diary


Stinky Towels Part Twee (lamentably)

My, my. 2006 is upon us, and what a way to ring it in. I know that given Maven's recent toilet plugging episode my faithful reader will find it absolutely shocking that the two of us would have anything in common, but the fact is, we do! So what if she has katzescheisslichwasser all over her bathroom floor? We can still be friends, can't we?

And what's more, had I had the opportunity to hold her forehead whilst she took care of business, I would not have wasted a second. This chick is that cool. Don't even get me started on her guy, the Brit. What a catch! The guy is gold, gold I tell you!

So, I did ring in the New Year with Style, with Maven, with the Brit, and with Him, and it was delightful, absolutely perfect. And yes indeed, I was one of the lucky few who received a delightful drunk dialie from Taipraita on the Eve of New Year's Eve. Na, Taipraita, jie woare en klien betj besote aun de Beiseschweit, nijch? Pausse opp en Diewel, Me'jales.

My, my.

So in other news, I had a Holiday on Monday on account of the New Year and all, so guess what I did! I cleaned my house! Tops and tails, baby. It was fein, I tell you. Christmas tree still up (on purpose), candles flickering, lefse grilling (have to keep the Norskmann happy), music playing. Oh, how I love festivity.
I don't want it to end.

Alack, the Norskmann is a bit challenged in the finer points of stinky towels (see my entry labelled Stinky Towels). All of the lovely sights and smells of the New Year were, sadly, marred, by his Funk Towel when I got home from work yesterday.

Dear Him,

Though you may think you have some kind of special God-given insights about reducing Stink in Towels, you are sadly mistaken. When you hang your towel over the shower stall so that it sucks right up against the mildewy shower curtain, like white on rice, it will take about two minutes to Stink (gentle reader will note that I have not actually admitted to owning a mildewy shower curtain. For the love of All Things Good and Pure, my sainted mother reads this - you think I'd admit to that??!!).

For the record, my towel does not stink, nor has it ever stank, because I dry it on the rack, no matter how small (my rack is small but serves its purpose) (And is by the way quite schmuck). I have marked your towels with the aforementioned ST so that you can use them at your convenience.

Please know that you can do whatever you want with your Stinky Towels (a specific activity comes to mind) but that I am in the right about how to avoid making a towel stinky. And even if you're right, you don't have a blog, so no one will know you are right.

Forever and ever amen,


4:25 p.m. - 2006-01-05


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