reinje's Diaryland Diary


Morgan and Stanley go to a show

hellomynameisreinjeandinowworkfortheman. It's true. If you say it really fast, then you don't feel as ashamed.

It's OK, really, to be spending - oh, I don't know - 40 + hours a week staring at a computer screen.

*sob!* I did it for the money, I tell you! The MONEY! *sniff*

I finally broke down and added an entry because if you want to know the absolute truth I have spent the last two days (two full DAYS, people), answering one phone call. That's right. Not one long phone call, but one short one. At least my voice is very sexy and enhanced by a Demi-Moore-esque raspy quality that He likes very much.

So, like I was saying, I had that phone call to answer. And I'm not going to lie to you. I also may have in fact brought my own computer from home. I had to write up some proposals that were musical in nature.

Yes, that one phone call, the home-based arbeit, and then - is this good or bad?- I've spent, oh I'd say a good 10 hours reading and re-reading maven and travelinman and taipraita's blogs. Yup. Yes I have.

Is that bad?

I know you're all wondering how my house gets cleaned when I spend nine hours a day 37 stories above midtown Manhattan and the other four practicing the piano (it's a little hobby I've picked up in my spare time). Weit die! Don't you remember I said I wouldn't clean anymore? That was in July. I've made good on my promise.

Oh, you know, my place is clean. It is! I just don't put the same kind of effort into it anymore. It's nice. And I hardly feel ashamed.

It's actually somewhat liberating to switch from angst-ridden artist, trapped in her clean apartment with a stellar view of Manhattan, making lists, to apathetic-ridden but very very efficient and perky bankers' assistant trapped in a clean office building with a stellar view of Manhattan, making lists for someone else.

It has been one of the strangest and most wonderful turns of events in my young life to say "Jawohl" to the man, make sheitloads of money and continue to perform. So far. Every day I feel like the rug will be ripped out from beneath me (that reminds me, ours need to be drycleaned): will I sell out and take that permanent position ($68,000 + a year)? will the Musician Police find me and prohibit me from being involved in further activities? will I get fired for typing entries into my blog? will I simply quit?

To be perfectly honest with you, I've "never felt so alive"! True confession: I just happen to be a genius administrative assistant! Who knew?!?!?!? This is also a lovely respite from cleaning and inefficient practice and compulsions in general. It's fantastic!

But if it's all so good, why haven't I written to my fabulous readership of one in the past three months? Am I afraid of being judged?


I feel like, now that I don't clean so much, and now that I have accepted a temporary position at an investment bank, perhaps my entries should assume a different "voice." You know, less the naive Mennonite cleaning lady, more...I don't know. How about 1920's film star? Chet does it best, "Top drawer, old chap, I say." I don't think I could keep that up for long.

Let me think about it while I answer this call...

- Reinje

3:16 p.m. - 2005-12-29


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