reinje's Diaryland Diary


Han Solvent

It�s kind of interesting, the amount of mail I got regarding my decision not to clean any more � mostly from readers gently urging me to continue to clean, surprisingly enough. It was a surprise to me, anyway. I have come to think of my desire to clean as something less than noble, and certainly abnormal.

So it is with a little hesitation that I confess to you that today both started and ended with cleaning. I slept in this morning, and when I woke up no one was around. So I took a shower, and after that I thought to myself that it wouldn�t hurt if I just did a quick �figure eight,� as my Mom likes to say, on the shower. I did that, and then the sink, and then I started on the kitchen which was still a bit of a mess after our party almost a week ago. I probably would have kept going if it wasn�t for my housemate Jack Han Solo. Evidently he heard quite a bit of shuffling going on on my side of the house and came over to see what the problem was. After which he proceeded to tell me about how many carcinogens and petroleum products exist in your average cleaning products. I didn�t want to embarrass him with the whole De-Solve-Isn�t story, so I just smiled and nodded. And then we decided that breakfast at the Breakfast House was much more important than cleaning up beer bottles, so we went and ate omelettes and traded lies about our former lives in Minnesota.

10 hours of rehearsal later, I came home to my lovely housemates at Friedman, enjoyed a beer, and found myself drawn irresistibly back to the still-filthy kitchen. Yes, I did stack the dishwasher and yes I did clean the sink, and throw out the moldy food from the fridge and yes I did clean up the empties and dispose of the trash and yes, I even used a hose outside to clean out the trash can. Yes I did all of those things, and I don�t know if I�m proud of what I did, but I can tell you I feel a little bit better about myself. Is that wrong?

In my defense, I haven�t lifted a finger to clean up after our huge, wild, noisy, post-cover performance party. It was H.O.T.T., as Travelinman likes to say. This party went so long, and was so loud, that people who were there were complaining about it. Isabelle and Matthew Timothy Striker cleaned up afterwards, bless their hearts. And I kept my promise to myself about not doing any laundry this weekend. Not that I had time to do laundry, really. I figure when the underwear runs out, something will work out. Like I�ll find an extra old pair of Oma Panties in the back of my drawer, or I�ll go Commando, or someone will buy me lingerie.

I am very very very very very very very tired. But I�m having fun! And I obviously have found the time to both practice and clean, so as you can see, I�m back to square one.

Your favorite square,
- Reinje

10:24 a.m. - 2005-07-11


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